Manifiesto por la innovación corporativa
1.- "Top management shall embrace, encourage and nurture innovation at all times. Every decision they make will take into consideration how that decision shall affect the innovativeness of the organization.
2.- Top management themselves shall adopt more creative behavior – via training if need be – and demonstrate their creativity to employees, clients and shareholders.
3.- The company shall communicate in every possible way the importance of innovation, the innovations we have performed and our future innovation goals. Such communications shall be both internal and external and target employees, customers, shareholders and the general public.
4.- We shall establish a reasonable budget for implementing radically innovative ideas. The return on investment of implementation of those ideas shall take into consideration not only income, but also learning value. There will be no consequences for implementations which are not financially successful.
5.- Managers shall ensure that each and every member of their team has time to be creative and understands that being creative – which leads to innovation – is a critical component of her job responsibilities.
6.- Realizing that innovation is our future, we shall all learn to greet new ideas with open arms and consider the innovative potential of those ideas. Rather than criticize ideas, as we have done in the past, we shall challenge those who propose ideas to improve their ideas and make them more innovative.
7.- Creative thinking skills shall become a priority in our internal training programs.
8.- Employees shall be rewarded for their innovative ideas – even if those ideas are not implemented or are not profitable.
9.- No employee shall ever be reprimanded for sharing an idea to others in the firm, even if the idea seems preposterous. We understand that one employee being scolded for sharing a silly idea can do irreparable damage to our firm’s innovativeness.
10.- We shall adopt an innovation management process.
11.- Project teams shall be filled with a variety of people from various divisions in order to ensure breadth of creative thought and innovative solutions in all our projects.
12.- We shall take great pride in our innovativeness and strive to improve it daily."
La verdad que muchas empresas deberían al menos echarle un ojo y darse cuenta de cuál podría ser el camino general para impulsar una cultura de innovación a su interior
Vía Blogging Innovation
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