Marcas, ¡sálganse de mis redes sociales!
De lo más interesante que me he encontrado estos días es un "poust" de un tal Armando Samuels que se queja amargamente de la abrumadora presencia de marcas en redes sociales, entre otras cosas dice, y "copipeisteo" tal cual:
"I’m not saying advertising is bad. I love advertising and believe in it, but what I don’t believe in is this idea that all brands need to be part of social media. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but I’m talking about the other 98%.
... I know what you are going to say, “if you don’t like it, then don’t accept them” but that’s not my point. My point is that brands are wasting their time and money on a medium where they don’t belong and makes them look desperate. Social networks are for me, my friends and the people that I know, NOT BRANDS."
Pero definitivamente lo más interesante es esto:
"Brands need to stop being so insecure. Yes, I said it. It’s like an ugly guy dating a really hot chick. He knows that she might leave him at any time so he tries to do everything in his power to prevent that to happen. He follows her to the supermarket, to the movies, to the spa, and he sends her tweets and Facebook messages all the time.
... The more that you try to be part of my life, the more turned off I get. If I love a brand, I will find you, and I’ll be your biggest fan. So instead of trying to be all up in my shit why don’t you act confident (I’ve heard chicks dig it). Act like you believe in your product and its quality and maybe I’ll give you a chance".
No sé por qué no marcó en negritas el último enunciado pero me parece el más importante de todo lo que dijo, pero bueno, termina invitando a un pacto...
"... brands of the world, stop trying to be someone you are not (my friend) and be who you are (a confident brand that believes in your product). I know you are there and if I don’t, I’m sure I’ll see you on TV or every time I open a magazine – just please stay away from my social network".
Debo decir que no puedo estar más de acuerdo con él, situación que resulta tragicómica cuando estoy justamente debutando en esta industria, pero sí he confirmado en estos días que no todas las marcas/empresas están preparadas para entrarle a las redes sociales, y eso de tener a todas las marcas peleando por nuestra atención, ¡uf! resulta hasta estresante, pero en fin, ya veremos qué pasa... ¿o ustedes qué creen?
Vía The Next Great Generation (lo "tuiteó" @twodigitworld); caricatura de Tom Fishburne
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